Welcome to Tuna Runa

Technology Rules!

In order to offer our students the best learning environment, Linden Hill has invested in some outstanding computing furniture. Our lab includes chairs with wheels that spin around. Unfortunately, the chairs can be sneaky and slip out from under children and adults while we are trying to sit down. To ensure every computer student's safety and classroom well-being, Dr. Bernal has implemented these rules.

All students are expected to follow the rules of the Student Code of Conduct and use the classroom technology in accordance with the Red Clay Acceptable Use Policy.

  1. Be kind,
    1. Use the equipment gently and properly,
    2. Share,
    3. Show the best you.
  2. Be considerate,
    1. Help to recreate a learning environment,
    2. Keep your workspace and your hands clean,
    3. Move safely.
  3. Be patient,
    1. with the teacher,
    2. with your classmates,
    3. with yourself,
    4. with the computers.
  4. Be a Thinker
    1. Try to figure out the problem for yourself.
    2. Next, ask three friends,
    3. Last, raise your hand for help.