Welcome to Tuna Runa


Web Portfolio

Educational Resources

Tuna Runa - Tuna Runa is my class web site. It is my portal for lessons and student interaction. The site has had as many as 45,000 hits a month.

Linden Cafe - This site is a teacher resource portal for Linden Hill Elementary. The site manages, classroom documents, standards, resources, and inter-school communication.

Civil War - This site is an interactive learning tool where the students experience the Civil War through a semi-virtual simulation.

Study Nature - This site is a prop for a lesson involving technology and outdoor education.

Time Travel Portal - This site is not functioning at this time. The lesson places students in an environment where they travel back in time to record points in American history. The children present their travels through podcasts using Audacity.

Time lines - This lesson was designed for fourth grade students. The results of standardized tests suggest that our students struggle to understand chronology (1500 - 1650). This unit and subsequent mini-lessons enable children to create class-level time lines to understand how specific explorers inter-relate. The time lines are Java driven and the API comes from MIT's Simile project.

I am a Part of Something Important - Students movies using Microsoft MovieMaker, respond to the prompt, "I am a Part of Something Important".

Professional Web Design

History of Education Society - An informational web site detailing the society's function and activities.

APOA - This site is a web presence for a small international metals commodities business. This site is up-datable by the client.